Abinader has an extradition of Juan José de la Cruz Morales, accused in Operation Falcon

By means of decree number 561-21, the president Luis Abinader arranged the extradition delivery to the United States of the Dominican Juan Jose de la Cruz Morales (Wandy) implied in the Operation Falcon.

In the decree, at least seven charges were listed for which Wandy was requested for extradition by the American country.

It also indicates that the United States made the diplomatic request for extradition last August 23 through its embassy in the country.

Among the charges against the defendant are those of illicit association, as well as auxiliary-inciting each other and others to import into the United States, from a place abroad, a controlled narcotic drug substance, specifically cocaine.

There is also the charge of illicit association for committing a crime against the United States, namely: “directing and attempting to direct financial transactions affecting interstate and foreign trade, namely, in the receipt of approximately one million US dollars in cash, to send a shipment of 700 kilograms of cocaine “.
