Amazing cosplay video of Death Stranding on Volcanic Island

The image in the article titled Incredible Death Stranding Cosplay even hits the landscape

There is very large Stranded Death cosplay to turn around already, but this new piece of video really takes more effort to make even the place where it was shot look like the desolate future America of the game.

That is the Japanese cosplayer Raxy, someone who specializes in being Sam Bridges, and who throughout this video manages a change of clothes, to a lot of walking, miles and miles of package delivery and even some scenic action towards the end.

The video was made by Rescue the princess!, the work of which we have presented here before, and as I have already alluded to which helps to take a fantastic cosplay and improve it even better here is the choice of location for this shoot.

The entire video was shot on Oshima Island, off the coast of Japan, near Tokyo. Although about 8000 people live in Oshima, it is basically just a volcano that rises from the ocean and has had two eruptions in the last 60 years, which has had an effect on the surrounding field. .

The black, ashy soil and limited vegetation (beyond the loads of leafy green grass) is a dead bell Death Stranding’s apocalyptic environments and it really helps to take all of this to another level. Even the beach looks spotless.

You can see more Raxy cosplay here, and much more than Rescue the princess! video work here. They also helped NaThalang, who did the special effects work, and Tristan Junker in support tasks.

Oh, and before I went there, I had to visit the Oshima Wikipedia page to get their population figure, and while I was there The Pokémon Cinabri Island is based in Oshima, so go there!


The image in the article titled Incredible Death Stranding Cosplay even hits the landscape

Death Stranding cosplay is very much in 2021

It is advisable that in a year when filming and traditional shows will not be available, one of our first features is a very solitary and wonderful collection of Stranded death cosplay.

The image in the article titled Incredible Death Stranding Cosplay even hits the landscape

Launched the deadly jacket of $ 1,900, it sells immediately

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