Banjo and Final Fantasy on the radio? VGM in FM classical music was just the beginning: function

Zelda Music
Image: Nintendo / Matheus Viana via Pexels

It’s September and the VGM Fest will be over soon, but we still have time to do some more interviews and celebratory functions before we put the video game music back on the shelf for a while.

Today we talk to Richard Stokes, the leader of We Love Game Music, which tells us all about your favorite topics, video game music on the radio and why watching live music is a whole new way to experience your most beloved soundtracks …

Nintendo Life: What first interested you in gaming music?

Richard Stokes: Growing up, he was very much a Nintendo guy. I loved playing the classic Super Mario games on NES and SNES (my favorite game today is still Super Mario Bros. 3), and then on the Zelda series once I got an N64 and Ocarina of Time, and one of the my favorite parts of these games. they were the themes of Koji Kondo, which I was always humming and whistling.
