Cawthorn calls jailed on Jan. 6 as “political hostages”

Rep. Madison Cawthorn (RN.C.) is describing those detained by law enforcement for allegedly assaulting the Capitol on Jan. 6 in an attempt to stop Congress from certifying President BidenJoe Biden: Democratic Progressive Lawmakers Urge Biden to Replace Powell as Fed Pentagon Releases Photo of Last Soldier Leaving Afghanistan Night Defense and National Security: America’s Longest War Ends MOREthe electoral victory as “political hostages,” while repeating false claims that the 2020 elections were “stolen”.

Cawthorn made the statements over the weekend during an event with supporters that the Macon County Republican Party aired on Facebook.

During the event, which included a question and answer session with the components, Cawthorn questioned Biden’s legitimate electoral victory over the former President TrumpDonald Trump’s Democratic Progressive lawmakers urge Biden to replace Powell as Fed chairman Prudent oversight of COVID’s origins marks a victory for U.S. intelligence agencies. and warned of violence “if our electoral systems continue to be manipulated and continue to be stolen.”

“I’ll tell you, everyone who tells you that Joe Biden was chosen obediently lies,” Cawthorn said, mocking the crowd.

One attendee later asked what he was doing “Cawthorn to support the 535 Americans who were detained – captured – as of Jan. 6,” apparently referring to riots in law enforcement custody. .

Cawthorn described them as “political hostages” and “political prisoners.”

“The big problem is that we don’t really know where all the political prisoners are,” Cawthorn said. “And so if we could actually go try to kick them out – and let me tell you, the reason these political prisoners are being taken is because they’re trying to set an example, because they’re not doing it.” the mass protests taking place in Washington. “

Then another attendee asked, “When are you going to call us back in Washington?”

“We’re actively working on that,” Cawthorn said. “We have some plans in place that I can’t make public now, but we’re working on that. There are a lot of Republicans who don’t want to talk about this.”

Supporters of the Jan. 6 defendants plan a rally on Sept. 18, which organizers will convene “Justice for J6” at the Capitol venue. Local law enforcement is already preparing for the event, which will take place on a Saturday in which no congressional chamber is expected to be in session.

It is still unclear whether there will be members of Congress at the Sept. 18 rally.

But some other members of the far-right House, including Cawthorn, have tried to consider people “accused of crimes related to the January 6 insurrection” as “political prisoners” and have expressed concern about their treatment in custody in the middle. of more efforts made by some in the Republican Party. minimize the severity of the violent attack on the Capitol.

Republican representatives. Matt GaetzMatthew (Matt) Gaetz Jan. Group 6 searches for records of those involved in the “Stop the Steal” rally. Cawthorn calls prisoner riot police “hostage political riots” on Jan. 6 to demand the preservation of telephone records of Republican lawmakers who participated in the Trump rally: report MORE (Fla.), Marjorie Taylor GreeneMarjorie Taylor GreeneGOP’s efforts to minimize the danger of Capitol riots increase Note: What about anti-Trump Republicans now? Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene says she will meet with Trump “soon” in Florida MORE (Ga.) I Louie GohmertLouis (Louie) Buller Gohmert Jan. Group 6 searches for records of those involved in the “Stop the Steal” rally. Cawthorn calls prisoner riot police “hostage political riots” on Jan. 6 to demand the preservation of telephone records of Republican lawmakers who participated in the Trump rally: report MORE (Texas) were removed from the DC Department of Corrections in late July when they tried to visit people charged with Jan. 6-related crimes who were detained there.

Greene, Gaetz and Gohmert, along with the rep. Paul GosarPaul Anthony Gosar Jan. On January 6, he searches for records of those involved in the “Stop the Steal” rally. Cawthorn calls jail on Jan. 6 the “political riots of the ostensors.” (R-Ariz.), Also attempted to hold a press conference outside the Justice Department on the same day that police officers testified before the House selection committee dedicated to investigating the Jan. 6 insurgency about their experiences. defending the Capitol from the violent mafia. But Republican lawmakers cut off their press conference because of protests interruptions.

Cawthorn later raised the threat of political violence if people continue to believe the election is “stolen.”

“If our electoral systems continue to be manipulated and continue to be stolen, it will lead to a place and blood will be shed,” Cawthorn said. “And I’ll tell you, no matter how willing he is to defend our freedom at all costs, there would be nothing he would fear to do other than have to take up arms against an American comrade. And the way we can go against that it is if we all passionately demand that we have electoral security in all 50 states. “

Luke Ball, Cawthorn’s spokesman, tried to clarify that the first-term legislator “wants a proper trial for inmates” and “was not advocating any form of illegal action, only that they receive due process.”

Ball also clarified that Cawthorn “does not actively work on any” protest “or” plan “to bring people to Washington.”

“Congressman Cawthorn meant actively working to get answers about political prisoners after Jan. 6. Nothing more,” Ball said.

The spokesman further stressed that comments warning of “bloodshed” were intended to restore confidence in the elections as a way to prevent violence.

“In his comments, Mr Cawthorn clearly advocates that there should be no violence on the grounds of electoral integrity. violence, “Ball said.

CNN reported Monday for the first time that the House Selection Committee investigating Jan. 6 is asking telecommunications companies to keep the phone records of Trump and Republican members of Congress who played a role in the “Stop the Concentration Steal “in front of the White House that preceded the attack on the Capitol: a group that includes Cawthorn.

The day after January 6, Cawthorn called the mob that stormed the Capitol a “disgusting and pathetic group of people” during an interview with Smoky Mountain News.

“I have no problem calling it, although a lot of these people would probably have voted for me,” Cawthorn said at the time. “I can’t support it.”

—Updated at 19:09
