coronavirus | United States Esmeralda Ramos | California Pregnant did not get vaccinated and contracted COVID-19 lost her baby Juan Guevara | USA | USA NNDC | WORLD

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Esmeralda Ramos, a 43-year-old woman who lives in California, Was infected with coronavirus after her husband, Juan Guevara, tested positive for the disease. Both had not been vaccinated out of doubt and fear.

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as reported The Washington Post, The husband recovered from the coronavirus in their home, however Branches she had to be taken to a hospital with assisted breathing and ended up losing her baby.

She was always worried about the baby“, He commented Juan Guevara, 44 years old. The parents, who live in Victorville (California), They had two other children: two and seven years old.

At the moment, Branches they continue at the medical center and their health has worsened. The woman is sedated and in condition “very serious“The father regrets not being vaccinated before becoming infected and he plans to go to a vaccination center as soon as possible.

Guevara he said that before he lost his baby he thought there was no need to get vaccinated. At present, he thinks the opposite. “Put on your mask and get vaccinated as soon as possible. Don’t even think about it. If you’re not going to regret it like I do.”, Deepened the man.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has always taken into account pregnant women in the group. “eligible“For the vaccine against coronavirus. However, on August 11 they reinforced the idea that a vaccine be recommended regardless of when they are found.

Vaccination of COVID-19[feminine es recomana per a totes les persones majors de 12 anys, incloses les embarassades, les lactants, les que estan intentant quedar embarassades o les que poguessin quedar embarassades en el futur“, Diu la guia dels CDC.

Els experts dels CDC i de l’OMS sostenen que no hi ha evidència que la vacuna causi infertilitat.

Les dades disponibles suggereixen que els beneficis de rebre la vacuna de l’ covid-19 superen qualsevol risc conegut o potencial de la vacunació durant l’embaràs“, Han afegit els CDC.

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Coronavirus als Estats Units: Tercera dosi de Moderna es retardaria unes setmanes
Estats Units va anunciar que administraria la tercera dosi de la vacuna Moderna el 20 de setembre, però la inoculació de el fàrmac pot esperar encara més ja que no compta amb l’autorització de la FDA. (Font: Llatina TV)

