Dennis Rodman is surprised to stay alive and explains what his relationship is like with Michael Jordan – Ten

Dennis Rodman he’s one of the NBA idols who has managed to shine both on and off the court. The former player has maintained a media flight that few have been able to carry on his shoulders and confesses that even he is surprised.

Such were the wild parties of Dennis Rodman

This year he turned 60 and gave an interview with the chain WSVN 7News of Florida, where he currently resides, and there he reviewed part of his career, assuring that he did not expect it to be so successful, but above all that he would reach that age.

” I’m surprised I’m still alive. A lot of people thought I would be dead at 40, 45, 50, 55, but I turned 60 and said, ‘Wow, I’m still here’. Someone has a hand on my shoulder and says I have a lot left to do with something dedicated to people around the world, ” he said. Rodman.

Beyond having been a figure of the Chicago Bulls and also of the Detroit Pistons, The ‘Worm’ has always been characterized by its excesses, madness and uncontrollability. ” I’m like, ‘Wow, that’s pretty good.’ I’m still doing my workouts and all that, I feel a little full of energy, ” he said.

In the other hand, Rodman talked about his relationship with Michael jordan, Who was the one who suffered the most when he went out partying with women and showed up for training without sleeping or sometimes disappeared for several days.

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However, MJ always recognized him for his talent despite the life he led Dennis off the field and, judging by their words, the relationship between them is well maintained.

” Michael is on Jupiter right now. It has its own golf course! He hasn’t invited me yet, but I see Michael from time to time. It’s still Michael, ” he said Rodman.

Finally, the ‘Worm’ talked about one of the best stages of his career, when he was about to move on to the Miami Heat. ” Pat Riley (team president) is a genius. Many teams wanted me in 1999, because I still had gas in the tank. Pat was too proud. He is too proud. There were people who were much worse than me. I am a winner, brother. I have been a winner for a long time. I won this place, so I wish I had pressed the trigger, ” he closed.
