Free full PC edition at Epic Games Store

A gray-haired man in samurai armor watches as an avian spirit flies behind him.

Image: Ninja team

Nioh makes the action of a Ninja Gaiden and the structure of a Dark souls and marries them something elegant, exceptional, and currently free for PC at Epic Games Store.

Team Ninja’s action RPG had been easy to forget when it first came out, for several reasons. Obviously, there is nothing striking to begin with: at first glance it seems feudal and genetically genetic. Combat can be brutal, requiring a lot of discipline and study of its various mechanics and idiosyncrasies. Also, it came out in February 2017, just a few weeks earlier Horizon Zero Dawn and only a month before The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the equivalent of being born in a vacuum right on the edge of the gravity well between a black hole orbiting an even larger black hole.

You can now correct this cosmic imbalance thanks to the the latest Epic Games Store gift. Nioh: full edition—Including the file Dragon of the North, Challenging honor, i The bloodshed is over DLCs, in addition to some additional weapon sets and armor, typically cost $ 50, but can be saved for free until September 16th. Anyone who checks it now will also have the advantage of experiencing the PC port after years of updates, patches and revisions.

A man in samurai armor fights a giant Yōkai spirit.

Image: Ninja team

Nioh it follows the exploits of the Irishman William Adams in Japan in the 1600s, fighting clans at war, amid colonialists and yōkai thriving in chaos. The game takes a long time to get off the ground and the story, full of political intrigue and dark fantasy, can be hard to follow, but Nioh’s world is much more interesting than it sounds and the combat is contagious.

In addition to accessing a lot of different weapons that fight differently, you also have different positions that will allow you to take advantage of the compensations to attack and defend them depending on the type of enemy you have to face. While you have a resistance meter that limits the speed and fury of your attack, you can also use a skill called Ki pulses to attack and defend yourself at the right times, to restore some of your resistance. It is this mechanic that does Nioh much more hectic and much more similar Transmitted by blood than the heavier pace of the main Dark souls series.

You can check it out Kotaku‘s full up Nioh review if you want more information and ours complete list of tips to play it. You will be ready soon Nioh 2, which is even better.
