Ivanka Trump criticized him for calling the pro-Trump mafia “patriots.” US News

Ivanka Trump has called for “insurrectionists” who stormed the U.S. Capitol to build “American Patriots” while urging them to refrain from violence, before hastily stepping back in comment.

In a now deleted tweet, sent as protesters stormed the U.S. headquarters of democracy, the eldest daughter and the president’s adviser said, “American Patriots: Any security breach or disrespect to our police it is unacceptable. Violence must be stopped immediately. Please be peaceful. “

Ivanka Trump tweets about the siege of the US Capitol.

Ivanka Trump tweets about the siege of the Capitol in the US. Photo: Twitter / Ivanka Trump

At one point, he did not call for protests to abandon their demonstration or ask them to abandon their siege on the US Capitol building.

Asked online about her use of the term “patriots” to describe protesters (some of whom carried the secessionist confessional flag), Ivanka Trump clarified, “No. Peaceful protest is patriotic. Violence is unacceptable and should be to condemn with the strongest terms ”. She deleted the original tweet. The answer is still online.

Ivanka Trump

No, peaceful protest is patriotic. Violence is unacceptable and should be condemned in the strongest terms. https://t.co/GwngZTqzTH

January 6, 2021

Ivanka Trump has not tweeted since.

From inside the besieged Capitol building, journalist Jake Sherman condemned Trump’s use of the term “patriots.” “American patriots? I’m locked up here. The capitol has been breached and people have guns thrown. What are you talking about? “

White House correspondent April Ryan said that while Ivanka was painted as the “voice of reason” her father advised, she was “complicit” in the violence visited at the Capitol.


They always told us @IvankaTrump he was going to be the “voice of reason” for his father. Instead, he is just as complicit.

You can delete the tweet, but if you call the rioters “American Patriots” you will live! pic.twitter.com/0G8SGvH4fE

January 6, 2021

Others pointed to Trump’s removal from the tweet as proof that it was inappropriate.

Eric Columbus, a former special adviser to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, urged Ivanka and Donald Trump to stop the violence.

Eric Colom

Go to your dad’s office and tell him to go on TV and tell everyone to come home. Call him until he does. Save some lives please.

January 6, 2021

Donald Trump’s Twitter account has been suspended “for repeated and serious violations of our civic integrity policy.”

Your account, the main means of communication with followers, will be blocked for 12 hours after deleting infringing tweets. If you refuse to delete them, your account will remain locked and additional violations may result in a permanent ban.

Twitter security

As a result of the violent and unprecedented situation in Washington, DC, we have demanded the withdrawal of three @realDonaldTrump Tweets posted earlier today for repeated and serious violations of our civic integrity policy. https://t.co/k6OkjNG3bM

January 7, 2021

“If tweets are not removed, the account will remain blocked. Future violations of Twitter rules, including our civic integrity policies or violent threats, will result in the permanent suspension of the @realDonaldTrump account,” the security account said. from Twitter.

In protests described as the greatest threat to American democracy since the civil war, Trump loyalists stormed the seat of American democracy, the Capitol Building, in an attempt to block the certification of presidential election held in November, a constitutional formality that will allow President-elect Joe Biden will be inaugurated on January 20th.

Although the riots managed to temporarily stop voting, the certification process resumed Wednesday night, U.S. time.

One woman died due to a firearm that suffered the protests.

Pro-Trump riots storm US Capitol during Biden election victory vote: video report
