Jacob Chansley, the shaman of QAnon, will plead guilty to the Trump Capitol riot case

A protester is calling for “Freedom” inside the Senate chamber after a crowd violated the U.S. Capitol during a joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021 in Washington, DC.

McNamee wins | Getty Images

Jacob Chansley, the “QAnon shaman,” in the bizarre attire that made him one of the most famous members of a crowd of Trump supporters who attacked the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, will plead guilty Friday. of his criminal case, as shown by a new court file. .

Chansley drew attention during the riot after being captured in photos and videos walking around the shirtless Capitol complex, heavily tattooed, with a spear, with face paint, along with a leather hat wearing horns.

Chansley, who subscribes to the false QAnon conspiracy theory, currently faces six criminal offenses, including obstruction of an official trial, civil unrest, entry into a restricted building, and violent entry into the Capitol.

But it is unclear what charges the Arizona man, who is being held without bail, has taken in the U.S. District Court in Washington, DC

A notice in the courtroom indicated that a “reason agreement hearing” would be held Friday morning.

Chanlsey’s lawyer, Albert Watkins, said he would hold a press conference after his client’s hearing.

“It’s been a long, tortured road from Jan. 6 to the present,” Watkins wrote in an email to CNBC.

Chansley is among the most accused of nearly 600 defendants in cases related to the Capitol Uprising, which began after then-President Donald Trump urged supporters to rally to march on Congress and oppose confirmation of the election of Joe Biden as president.

Reuters reported on July 23 that Chansley, also known as Jacob Angeli, was in talks with prosecutors after prison psychologists diagnosed him with mental illnesses such as transient schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety.

Watkins told Reuters at the time that the diagnosis was similar to assessments made in 2006 about mental health records derived from the Chansley stage in the U.S. Navy.

The lawyer said Chansley’s illusions included “believing that he was in fact directly related to Jesus and Buddha.”

Prosecutors have said that during the riot, Chansley headed to the Senate chamber and reached the podium, where then-Vice President Mike Pence had presided minutes before the procedures to certify Biden’s White House victory.

Chansley left a note on the floor of the Senate chamber … warning that it is only a matter of time, that justice will come, “prosecutors said in a lawsuit.

When the FBI asked Chansley about the meaning of his words, he “continued a long diatribe by describing current and past U.S. political leaders as infiltrators, specifically appointing Vice President Mike Pence,” prosecutors wrote.
