Justin Wong proves he is still the god of Marvel against Capcom 2

The X-Men Storm character is ready for battle with a clash of white hair and colorless eyes.

Image: Capcom

Talented Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 Butra “Roundhouse” player Soinak recently challenged Justin Wong fighting game legend to a $ 10,000 match. And while it may be Labor Day in the United States, it didn’t take much work of Wong to quickly close the set and leave with thousands of dollars of Roundhouse in his pocket.

Everything started when Roundhouse won Battle of the Strongest 3, an invitation with some of the best in New York City Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 players, in late 2019. According to Wong, this remarkable victory gave Roundhouse a little big head, which sparked some junk conversations between the two before covid-19 prevented them from playing in person. Roundhouse spent the last year tearing down other notable luminaires, including 2009 Evo champion Sanford “Santhrax” Kelly, before finally reaching Wong yesterday.

After some pre-match discussion of the players and commentators, Wong and Roundhouse sat in their respective facilities, the first on the floor in front of a CRT and the second using an old school arcade cabinet. Wong stayed with his traditional team of Storm, Sentinel and Cyclops (also known as Team Matrix), while Roundhouse chose Sentinel, Storm and Iron Man. With $ 5,000 on the table for both players, it was time to finish or shut up.

Roundhouse came out strong, properly pulling Wong’s storm out of the air in the first game to put her to bed and keep her from running away. That gave Roundhouse enough life to win the opening game with a time-out victory, which he celebrated by jumping as if he had taken everything.

Unfortunately, everything went downhill from there for Mr. Soinak.

Over the next hour and a half, Wong decimated Roundhouse, first in a 9-game winning streak before finishing things off with an impressive 15-5 record. It wasn’t even that much fun to watch. Wong, as he has done for the past 20 years, simply offered his time in every game with his impeccable Storm movement, doing enough to exhaust the bars of Roundhouse life in small bursts and keep his own team protected from retaliation. Frustration was evident all over Roundhouse’s face.

This conclusion only makes sense. Roundhouse is pretty damn good for himself, but Justin is the undisputed god of Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, with a record of seven Evo championships available to him since 2001. Even today, while fans ask someone to bring the crossover game to modern consoles, puts his head above everyone who still breaks matches. There is simply no comparison — in fighting games or abroad — with the suffocation that Justin has overcome. Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 competition of the last two decades.

As for Roundhouse, he wasted no time adding to his long string of outstanding texts.

“What happens to me? I heard MegamanDS was talking shit, “Roundhouse said during his post-match interview addressing his notable detractors directly. “Put or shut up brother. I’m going to touch my punk ass for any amount, a pity shit. You and Fanatiq. Any amount of brother, who sucks brother. Just because I lost to Justin? Go, brother, do it, brother. “

I guess he’s already looking for ways to return that $ 5,000.
