Mick Jagger has a young girlfriend “who’s crazy about love”

Mick Jagger, the leader of the legendary British rock band The Rolling Stones, bought without visiting her a mansion overlooking a lake in Florida (USA) as a Christmas present for his young girlfriend, dancer Melanie Hamrick, according to local media.

The four-bedroom property is nestled on about a third of an acre and is surrounded by views of the Lakewood Ranch Community Pond in Manatee County, on the west coast of Florida, the Herald-Tribune detailed. of Sarasota.

The built area is 8,394 square feet (nearly 800 square meters) and has another 5,726 square feet (532 square meters) of living or commercial space, the newspaper added.

Jagger, 77, and his 33-year-old girlfriend, who dances with the American Ballet Theater, according to his Instagram profile, chose this property because of the tranquility of the area and to be close to Hamrick’s family. although they did not physically see her before paying $ 1.9 million for her.

The purchase was made online and the deeds, in the name of the choreographer, were registered on November 4, the newspaper said.

The real estate agency pointed out to the said medium that the couple never visited the house in person before buying.

“It was great to hear Mick Jagger’s voice on the phone,” a real estate agent expressed.

The sellers were Ray and Loretta Harris, who originally bought the house in 2010 for $ 1.2 million, according to Manatee County records.

Also in Florida, but on the Atlantic coast, Ivanka Trump, the daughter and adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump, and her husband, Jared Kushner, recently bought $ 7,284 for $ 31.8 million. square meters.

The undeveloped lot, although with a jetty, is located in Indian Creek Village (Miami Beach) and was owned by Spanish singer Julio Iglesias.


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