Mulvaney calls Trump’s comments about the Capitol revolt manifestly false

Former chief of staff of the White House Mick MulvaneyMick MulvaneyWatchdog says DeVos earned nine figures in external revenue during the Trump years. As nearly half a century of nutrition programs for seniors, February 9 feels a good help of gratitude than the OMB candidate. called ancient President TrumpDonald Trump: Democrats see Georgia as an opening war against MLB voting rights could move Georgia’s all-star party after controversial new electoral restrictions.Recent comments about the January 6 riot at the Capitol are “manifestly false.”

Speaking during an interview with CNN Newsroom, Mulvaney responded Thursday to Trump’s comments on Fox News, during which the former commander-in-chief said the rioters posed “a zero threat.”

“I was surprised to hear the president say that … Clearly, there were people who were behaving and then there were people who were absolutely not,” Mulvaney said.

“But going out and saying that everyone was fine and that there was no risk is simply, that’s clearly false,” he said. “People died. Other people were seriously injured. To say that there was no risk is wrong. “

Mulvaney further said that while watching the riot live, there was a “split screen” of violent protesters and those staying on the velvet ropes of the Capitol Roundabout. Still, he said not even the peaceful protesters should have been at the Capitol that day.

“There are videos of people behaving and protesting peacefully. But they shouldn’t have been there. And it’s not right to say there was no risk. I don’t know how you can say that when people were killed,” he said. to say.

Trump made his comments Thursday while talking about security measures that had been taken at the Capitol since the riot, such as protective fencing.

“I think it’s embarrassing (it seems like the world sees it), it’s absolutely a political maneuver they’re doing. It was zero threat from the beginning, it was zero, ”he said.

Hundreds of people have been charged in connection with the Capitol riot that left five dead and delayed certification President BidenJoe Biden: Democrats see Georgia as an open salvation in the MLB voting war could move Georgia’s All-Star game after controversial new electoral restrictions. Biden fired most members of the DHS MORE advisory boardvictory of the Electoral College. Mulvaney resigned from his post as a special envoy to Northern Ireland after the riot.
