OPERATION FALCÓN – “El Cacic de l’Est” accepts his extradition

Renowned as the chief of the East region, Juan José de la Cruz Morales, with two of his most cited aliases, “El Do” and “Wander”, is the first Dominican linked to the network of drug trafficking and money laundering of the case Operation Falcon who has opted for his voluntary extradition to the United States, where he will have to answer to the imputation of several charges.

De la Cruz Morales, the head of operations of the criminal structure dismantled by the authorities, asked the judges of the Second Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice to release a record that he agreed to leave voluntarily in extradition “to prove my innocence.”

“Magistrates,” he said, addressing the judges, “I come with the firm will to go to extradition to answer for the charges against me,” said De la Cruz Morales, after making it clear who made the decision without being forced by any pressure.

Against the extraditable, now imprisoned in a maximum security pavilion of the Najayo prison, the country’s high court had issued an arrest warrant since 2019, but the authorities at the time did not execute, as it transpired.

Waiting for the decree

He is just waiting for President Luis Abinader to sign the decree authorizing his extradition to the American nation.

De la Cruz Morales owns the three gas stations in his village, where $ 4.3 million, high-end vehicles, high-caliber weapons and luxury apartments were found.

He was involved in the seizure of 1,786 kilos of cocaine in Puerto Rico on November 2, 2016

He was the head of operations for the structure and an experienced boatman dedicated to organizing illegal travel, but, according to the Public Ministry, more than a decade ago he entered the world of drugs until he became one of the narcos. most important in the East region.

They ask six fugitives to surrender

Six people are fugitives, linked to the drug trafficking and money laundering network, and authorities have urged them to surrender and answer to the charges against them.

These are Erick Randhiel mosque Polanco, Joan Carles mosque Eduard, Kelvin Alexander Torres Bé, Albert de Jesús Polanco, Alberto Emmanuel de Jesús Polanco and Osiris Medina Díaz.

According to sources linked to the investigation, Polanco mosques, the ringleader of the network; Mosqueja Eduard, Torres Bé, the brothers of Jesús Polanco, and the accused Osiris Medina, carry weapons of different calibers, are “violent and very dangerous individuals.”

Authorities are reportedly warning fugitives that they are being actively sought by elite and reactionary units of state intelligence agencies.

They are also reminded that at the time of their pursuit or capture they must not resist arrest.

Precisely, a source reported that. after the persecution, Enerio Sandoval, one of the members of the criminal structure, was handed over to the authorities.

Search for another group intensifies

Other people were reportedly wanted in Santo Domingo, La Altagracia, Jaume and other parts of the country, accused of being part of this powerful drug trafficking and money laundering network, which had its operations center in Santiago.

The prosecution bodies of the Public Ministry and the Santiago Public Prosecutor’s Office recalled that anyone who obstructs or prevents the apprehension of those involved in the Falcón case is even exposed to being prosecuted for complicity in the United States to help a imputed to evade justice or to incite to do so.

They indicated that the U.S. justice system provides that a criminal charge of “complicity” may be filed against anyone who assists in the commission of a crime or who, on learning of it, before or after his or her conviction. consummation, assistance to the accused through advice, actions or financial support.

Depending on the degree of participation, the imputation may rise to the level of conspiracy. In this context, they explained that to be prosecuted for complicity American judicial system only requires proof that the defendant knew that a person had committed a crime or that he helped with its consummation or in the specific design of obstructing or preventing the apprehension, trial or punishment of a person persecuted or prosecuted.

Erick, very powerful

Prosecutor’s Office investigations launched that Erick Randhiel mosque Polanco became “a powerful and feared international drug trafficker” who, along with its operational axes within the organization, mobilized thousands of kilos of cocaine since from Colombia, through the Dominican Republic, to Puerto Rico, the United States and Europe.

So far, the asset wash network has been occupied by about 130 vehicles, including three armored vehicles, as well as a small boat and a large one. Also, about 4.9 million dollars in cash and more than 22.7 million pesos.

Also, expensive luxury watches, dozens of properties, seven fuel stations and several estates, including a banana one.

What is extradition.

Extradition is the procedure by which a person accused or convicted of a crime under the law of one State is detained in another and returned to be tried or to serve the sentence already imposed.

Its various types.

Extradition classes: active, passive, in transit and re-extradition. The asset consists of the request made by the requesting State for the delivery of the subject. The liability is the delivery of the subject by the requested State.
