Pence launches a conservative political group

Former Vice President Mike PenceMichael (Mike) Richard Pence: Republican battle with MLB intensifies war on voting laws that further erode confidence in elections Note: Biden’s bet on taxes MORE on Wednesday he announced the creation of a new political defense group, his last step in continuing to participate in the conservative movement as he plots his political future.

Pence launched Advancing American Freedom, which he said would defend conservative values ​​while opposing the Biden administration’s agenda.

“Advancing American freedom is planned to build on the success of the past four years by promoting traditional conservative values ​​and promoting the successful policies of the Trump Administration,” Pence said in a statement. “Conservatives will not stand idly by as the radical left and the new administration try to threaten the American position as the largest nation in the world with its destructive policies.”

The nonprofit advocacy group will be advised by several former Trump administration officials and prominent leaders of the Conservative movement. Kellyanne ConwayKellyanne Elizabeth Conway: Former Trump official sanctioned for violating Hatch Act Note: Mystery of post-presidency Trump Dozens of Trump-nominated “buried” in Biden government, Larry KudlowLarry KudlowMORE, Russ Vought, Seema Verma, Andrew WheelerAndrew Wheeler ENERGY FOR NEW: Biden proposes billions of electric vehicles, adapting buildings | The head of the EPA will replace those appointed by Trump to the scientific advisory panels Kerry will travel to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and India to discuss the head of the EPA on climate change to replace those appointed by Trump to the scientific advisory panels., Robert LighthizerBob Lighthizer: GOP fire senator, workers and friends caught in trade dispute, warns that quick vote on new NAFTA would be a “huge mistake” Pelosi questions USMCA deal in 2019 MORE and David Bernhardt are among Trump’s former officials on his advisory board.

The group will advocate for policies focused on three areas: economics, foreign policy, and “American liberties,” such as school choice and pro-life policies.

The launch of the defense group is Pence’s latest bet to remain a key player in conservative politics. Since leaving office, he has joined the Heritage Foundation as a distinguished visiting fellow, where he has a regular column and podcast, and has also joined former Wisconsin founder Scott Walker (R) Young America’s Foundation as a scholar.

Pence is expected to speak later this month in South Carolina in his first speech since leaving office.

The Washington examiner reported that the new advocacy group comes with the support of the former President TrumpDonald TrumpYelp creates a tool to help support Asian companies. Iranian ship attacked espionage attacked at sea. Biden exceeds vaccine expectations – so far MORE, who fixed things with Pence after attacking his former vice president for refusing to illegally subvert the certification of Electoral College results on January 6th. Pence was the target of threats when Trump supporters stormed the Capitol that day, and was taken away to a safe place when riot police entered the complex.

The former vice president is known to have been interested in running for president in 2024, but the end of his term has raised questions about whether he would be embraced by Trump supporters. Other former Trump administration officials, such as the former Secretary of State Mike PompeoMike Pompeo: Leaving Trump, State Asserts Voice of America’s Editorial Freedom Biden’s Policy Change in Yemen’s Courts Environmental Disaster Night Defense: Pentagon Calls for Third Base to Host Migrant Children | Pompeo laments MORE North Korea and former ambassador to the United Nations Nikki HaleyNikki HaleyHaley claims Biden’s “weak leadership” over the five candidates for China’s Republican presidency and 2 out of the poll: 81% of Republican voters have a favorable view of Trump MORE, are also likely to launch presidential bids.
