PLD says it will expel members listed in drug trafficking or money laundering cases

Santo Domingo, RD.

The secretary of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), Charlie Mariotti, said that if determined to link to drug trafficking or money laundering of a former official by appointment or election of this organization, will be expelled from the party.

“Be active in the position or not be there, or have been, with due verification. This is our position,” Mariotti said.

During a meeting held on Monday where 40 of the 45 members of the Political Committee attended, the PLD demanded that the authorities of the current management deepen the investigations, clarifying that as a partisan organization they trust that they will be taken to the last consequences. fall “.

He regretted that in the face of revelations of political links with drug trafficking, the Government intends to present it as a phenomenon common to all parties, the media and society as a whole.

Describing the involvement of political actors in the so-called Operation Falcon as worrying, the Peledeist general secretary said that this organization is very clear on this issue.

He has insisted that Perremeist officialdom is trying to build a media narrative by believing that legislators and officials linked to drug trafficking and money laundering in Operation Falcon carried out their illicit activities in past government proceedings.

“Is it money from any illicit business in politics? Possibly yes, I’m sure it is. Now, in this particular case of the famous Operation Falcon who benefited from that money. Where he ran to dojo, to bubbles. ? “, Questioned the secretary of the PLD.

He suggested the scenario of the Dialogue Table to advance the necessary efforts in order to amend the Law on Political Parties, Movements and Groupings and the Law on the Electoral Regime, urging that it be done seriously because there are the clearer minds of peledeism to make their contributions.

He suggested that the name given to this operation evidences a collaboration of foreign authorities, for when it means hawk in English, and that if it had been exclusively Dominican it would be called GUARAGUAO or Peregrine Falcon.

The PLD general secretary closed his statements by reiterating that this organization will support dialogue, all proposals in favor of Dominican society, in favor of the middle class and the vulnerable sectors of the country.

In Operation Falcón, two deputies and a government official have been mentioned, who is suspended for investigating drug trafficking and money laundering.

This is the deputy of the Dominican Revolutionary Party, Héctor Darío Feliç Feliç; that of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), Nelson Marmolejos; and the suspended director of Digna Comunidad, Juan Maldonado.
