Republicans are fighting to eliminate Trump

Republican lawmakers are fighting over whether to continue President TrumpDonald TrumpKim says North Korean efforts will focus on putting the United States “on its knees” Pelosi urges Democrats to prepare to return to DC this week amid calls for Ken Klippenstein: An “ideological” blind spot goes to prevent law enforcement from responding urgently to the riots of the MORE Capitol by January 20, as members of his cabinet consider resigning or invoking the 25th Amendment to remove him from office.

His. Lisa MurkowskiLisa Ann Murkowski Trump observes new threat of dismissal: Democratic Republic of Congo senator: Trump “committed imputable crimes” Murkowski says he is not thinking of joining the democratic caucus MORE of Alaska became the first Republican senator to call for Trump’s resignation and declared Friday afternoon that he “has caused enough damage.”

“I want him to resign. I want him out, ”he told the Anchorage Daily News.

A day later, the senator. Pat ToomeyPatrick (Pat) Joseph Toomey The government used the Patriot Act to gather records of website visitors in 2019 The appeals court rules that mass collection of illegal NSA phone data Dunford withdraws from consideration to chair the MORE coronavirus monitoring panel (R-Pa.), Who is retiring in late 2022, said Trump’s actions are rising to the level of dismissal.

“I think the president committed imputable crimes,” Toomey told Fox News during an interview.

Murkowski and Toomey’s comments put pressure on Republican centrists such as Sens. Mitt RomneyWillers (Mitt) Mitt Romney The fight for the Latin vote has just begun. Dershowitz says he would defend Trump again in the impeachment trial. Republican Senate leadership member: Accusing Trump “will not happen” MORE (Utah) i Susan CollinsSusan Margaret Collins The 50-50 Senate opens the door to solutions that endure Trump’s moment of violence Republican senators now regret not doing more to contain Trump This is why Manchin, Romney and Collins are about to wield a powerful senate MORE (Maine), which as of Saturday night had not considered whether Trump should step down or be removed from office.

Romney, the only Republican senator to vote to condemn Trump for a dismissal article in February, accused Trump of inciting a crowd of supporters to storm the Capitol while Congress counted the Electoral College vote on Wednesday.

Rep. Garrett Graves (R-La.) On Friday called on Trump to step down from office, though he said he did not support the removal of the president or the invocation of the 25th Amendment.

“It simply came to our notice then. And what I mean by that is, indeed, that he will not be speaking, speaking, exercising all the authority and power of the White House, perhaps even technically finding a way to deliver the keys to [Vice President] Pence, ”he said.

His. Ben SasseSenator Ben SasseGOP: Trump “committed crimes attributable” Murkowski says he is not considering joining Democratic caucus McConnell circulates proceedings for Trump’s second trial for removal from Senate MORE (R-Neb.), A prominent conservative and potential presidential candidate in 2024, said Thursday he would consider voting to convict Trump for a dismissal article, which he voted against less than a year ago when Democrats the House accused Trump, accusing him of abuse of power and obstruction of justice.

“If they get together and have a trial, I will definitely consider articles that can be moved, because, as I told you, I think the president has ignored the oath of office,” Sasse said in an interview with CBS This Morning “.

“He took an oath to the American people to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. He acted against it,” Sasse said. “What he did was bad.”

Sasse later said he was angry that Trump appeared “delighted” by the images of riots that flooded past security to disrupt the counting of election votes.

“When this was happening on television, Donald Trump was walking around the White House confused about why other people on his team weren’t as excited as he was, like the riot police pushing against Capitol police trying to get into the building, “Sasse said. conservative presenter of social gatherings Hugh Hewitt in an interview. “It simply came to our notice then. I was delighted. “

“I’m sure you’ve also had conversations with other senior White House officials, as I did,” Sasse told Hewitt.

Particularly detrimental to Trump was a clip that came up showing him and his family in festive humor watching video monitors of the pro-Trump crowd gathered at the Capitol with the party song “Glory” popping up.

The video filmed by Donald Trump Jr. he was showing his girlfriend Kimberly GuilfoyleSinger Taylor Dayne, of Kimberly Guilfoyle, responds to criticism after the Mar-a-Lago performance: “I try to stay apolitical” Donald Trump Jr. gives positive to Trump’s COVID-19 test that raises fears of spread: here’s who met last week MORE dancing and urging spectators to fight, with an enthusiastic White House chief of staff Mark MeadowsMark MeadowsPressure grows when Trump leaves The Hill’s Morning report – Trump finally admits; 25th Amendment pressure increases pressure on GOP senators urging Trump officials not to resign after Chaos Capitol MORE throwing a thumb up shortly before the riots attacked the Capitol police and looted the offices of the Senate and House.

In the background, the president and his daughter Ivanka TrumpIvanka Trump: The Hill’s Morning Report: Trump finally admitted; The pressure of the 25th Amendment increases. Ivanka Trump urges “patriots” to storm Capitol to “stop immediately” in a tweet now removed Five Republican candidates (other than Trump) for 2024 MORE, a senior White House adviser, could be seen closely looking at the crowd coverage.

House Democrats are threatening to accuse Trump before the day of the inauguration if he does not resign or if he is not fired by the 25th Amendment.

Pelosi said Friday night that if Trump does not resign immediately, he has instructed the House Rules Committee to move a motion to prosecute him. He said the House would also pass legislation to create a commission to declare that the president cannot perform the duties of his office.

On the other side of the Capitol, Senate Republicans are now preparing for the possibility of a second Trump indictment trial.

Leader of the Senate majority Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch), Mitchell McConnell, Sirota consider what Democrats are likely to do with Senate Majority Trump looks at Republican Party senator’s new threat of dismissal: Trump “has committed imputable crimes” MORE (R-Ky.) On Friday he handed out to his colleagues a note describing how the Senate would proceed if the House approves dismissal items and transmits them to the upper house before or before Jan. 19, when senators are expected to resume business regularly after the January Recess.

McConnell said the most likely scenario if the House imputed Trump is for the Senate to receive a message from the lower house notifying him of the action on Jan. 19. This would give the Senate the option of ordering House directors to present these articles. the same day.

Two members of Trump’s cabinet have already resigned after Wednesday’s violence: the Secretary of Transport Elaine ChaoElaine Chao Sunday shows preview: riots hit Washington as calls for Trump’s ouster grow Trump’s top official resigns and reissues a resignation letter saying the exit is a Cuomo protest: “I call on President Trump to resign ” MONTH, married McConnell, and Secretary of Education Betsy DeVosBetsy DeVosDiumenge shows preview: riots hit Washington as calls for Trump’s ouster grow Trump’s top official resigns and reissues a resignation letter saying the exit is a Cuomo protest: “I call on President Trump to resign.” MONTH.

“We should highlight and celebrate the many successes of your administration on behalf of the American people,” DeVos wrote in his letter to Trump. “Instead, we have to clean up the mess caused by violent protesters who stormed the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to undermine people’s businesses.”

“This behavior was unconscious for our country,” he wrote. “You can’t go wrong with the impact your rhetoric had on the situation, and it’s the turning point for me.”

The biggest question of the future is whether McConnell, who is now seen as the main political compass of Senate Republicans, will ask Trump to step down.

“McConnell has the ability to get Republican senators to do things. He has a lot of leverage and your relationship with the leader is important, “said a Republican senator who asked for anonymity to discuss how Republican Party senators will handle the political consequences of Wednesday’s violence on Capitol Hill he left five people dead.

McConnell was credited by Republican Party senators for having largely overturned a push to oppose Biden’s election votes after delivering two powerful speeches on the Senate floor Wednesday.

Only six Republican senators voted to reject the Arizona electoral list and seven voted to reject the Pennsylvania list, a striking contrast to how Republicans voted in the House, where these challenges garnered 121 and 138 votes, respectively.

Other Senate Republicans say they still fear Trump’s ability to wield power within the Republican base, noting that he still won 74.2 million votes on election day.

Trump suffered a major setback on that front Friday when Twitter permanently suspended his account and cited “the risk of inciting violence.”

A second Republican senator who requested anonymity to discuss Trump’s influence with voters said his office was flooded with voter calls demanding that the senator vote to support objections to Biden’s election votes.

“Some of my friends say the conversation at home is going wrong for you,” said the legislator, who voted against maintaining objections to the Arizona and Pennsylvania votes.

“They’re agitated about it,” the lawmaker said about Republicans at home.

However, many Republican lawmakers stick with Trump.

His. Mike LeeMichael (Mike) Shumway Lee Lawyers, leaders, offer condolences after the death of GOP senators, a Capitol police officer, urging Trump officials not to resign after the Capitol Chaos Senate pressures candidates to the national security of Biden MORE (Utah), chairman of the Senate Republican Steering Committee, contacted National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien and White House Attorney Pat Cipollone to ask them not to resign sooner. that Trump leaves office.

Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee Roy BluntRoy Dean BluntTrump contemplates a new threat of dismissal: riots hit Washington as he demands Trump’s removal. Ari Fleischer says Trump “on his own” after the Capitol riot: “I will not defend him anymore” MORE (R-Mo.) He predicted Friday that Republicans would reject all dismissal items quickly approved by the House, telling a Missouri television station that the Senate vote to remove Trump from office “will not pass.”

Jordain Carney contributed.
