Russia calls on DC envoy again after Biden calls Putin a “killer”

Russia on Wednesday called its Washington envoy to Moscow for consultations after President Biden referred to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin as a “murderer” and said Putin would “pay a price” for interfering in the election. of the US in 2020.

“Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov has been invited to come to Moscow for consultations with the aim of analyzing what should be done and where to go in the context of ties with the United States.” said the Russian Foreign Ministry in a statement, according to reports.

Biden made comments about Putin during an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America” ​​after the publication of a declassified report by the director of National Intelligence claiming that the Kremlin was interfering in the presidential election.

“It simply came to our notice then. We had a long talk, he and I know him relatively well, ”said Biden. “And the conversation started, I said,‘ I know you and you know me. If I find that this happened, be prepared. ”

“Look, the most important thing about dealing with foreign leaders in my experience – and I’ve dealt a lot in my career – is knowing the other guy.”

Asked if he thinks Putin is “a murderer,” Biden replied, “I do.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a videoconference meeting with officials and members of the government cabinet in Moscow.
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a videoconference meeting with officials and cabinet members in Moscow.
Alexei Druzhinin, Sputnik, Photo of the Kremlin Pool via AP

Biden also claimed that he and the Russian leader had held a conversation about the fact that he does not believe Putin has a soul.

Biden said he told the Russian leader, “I said, ‘I’ve looked you in the eye and I don’t think you have a soul,'” the president told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, and Putin looked back and replied : “We understand each other.”

With publishing cables
