Someone turned a map of Terraria into an Evangelion that had a warship

Illustration of the article entitled Someone turned an iTerraria / i map into an Evangelion that had a warship

Screenshot: Re-Logic / TheaVanherst and Alexmiles (Others)

Terraria does not have the same level of fanfare as Minecraft, but its two-dimensional elaboration is, nevertheless, responsible for some own creations realized by players. Look at the last one: an Evangelion lifting a warship over his head.

The screenshot above, which has been exploding on the pages of the Steam community and that was first seen by PC player, was taken by Steam user TheaVanherst and shows the house they spent tens of hours building with teammate Alexmiles in the 2011 side-scrolling craft game.

The project lasted youmore than 70 hours and counting, to be a little more accurate, “done manually with a couple of reference images” TheaVanherst wrote on Steam. “There will be an expansion of this world in a few months with the Eva 02 unit for a battlefield.


Screenshot: Re-Logic / TheaVanherst and Alexmiles (Others)

They also tweaked the screenshot in Photoshop to add more dramatic effects and one Neon Genesis Evangelion background to help gather all the homage.

Some players might find such a daunting task, but I hope you can at least encourage them to find some. inspiration and take things to the next level: put Propane Genesis Evangelion inside Terrarium.
