Splitgate developers raise $ 100 million for major upgrades

Lots of Splitgate players going to the NYSE because 1047 games got $ 100 million in CV funding.

Screenshot: 1047 Games

Developer 1047 Games has raised $ 100 million from a lot of venture capitalists, the study said in a press release. Fundraising fundraising will allow the team to be independent and able to strengthen it a very popular free game sand shooter, Splitgate.

Although the game first appeared in 2019, Splitgate—Invoiced as a mix between Hello i Portal—It has seen a great increase in popularity this summer. And it’s still only in open beta.

Earlier this summer, 1047 filed Splitgaterelease scheduled for July because the game was very popular, all in an effort to bolster server capacity before release. Shortly after the beta was released on consoles, it was almost impossible to get into a game, with queue time north of an hour. On all platforms, the game had six numbers of simultaneous players. How to August 18th, Splitgate has been downloaded 10 million times.

Popularity makes total sense, since Splitgate absolutely commands. Basically, it seems Halo 3, up to some of the weapons (the battle rifle!) and fashions (weird ball!). Portal-style portals mix things up. Players can deploy them on many surfaces, adding a layer of mind-blowing dimension that keeps you constantly in your hands. Amidst a landscape surrounded by battle royales, it’s a refreshing hell to play an older-style shooter that marries concepts from two of the most popular games of all time.

In a statement accompanying today’s news, 1047 Games said the big unexpected will allow the company to get more staff. This, in turn, will help 1047 release more updates Splitgate. They will be able to crush mistakes faster. They will be able to increase the number of players, although it is not yet clear to what extent this figure will be. (Fingers crossed by Big Team Battle!) They also say they can take the game to more platforms beyond PC, PlayStation and Xbox. And fundamentally, funding adds fuel to the studio’s ambitions.

“The focus in the coming months will be on growing to become the next big AAA studio, staying true to our roots as an independent team that prioritizes our community,” the study wrote in a statement . “When Splitgate leaves BETA [emphasis theirs] and release 1.0, it will be a truly historic release “.
