Stealthing: California will prohibit removing the condom without the consent of the couple

September 15, 2021 – 1:40 am

The decision is historic. No state had taken averages so far against the “stealth“, As it is known to the act of removing the condom in secret during sexual intercourse. Much remains to be done.

California is about to become the first U.S. state to take action against the “stealth“(Stealthily, in Spanish), the term by which it is known to him to the modality of some men to retire the condom in secret during the copulation without the consent of his partners.

  • According to a study published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information, 12% of women have experienced an episode of non-consensual condom extraction by their partners.

This dangerous practice can lead to sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies, among other things. However, governments have done little to criminalize it. Meanwhile, the victims of stealth they face the same dilemma: they don’t know what to call this kind of violence in the courts. If it were classified as sexual assault, it would be easier for them to file charges.

Despite the lack of legal recognition, the practice is widespread and well-known: an online subcommunity of perpetrators has identified and called the practice of removing condoms without consent during sexual intercourse as “stealth,” in a denial. of autonomy not very different from rape. However, the law is silent in the face of what is widespread violence, “wrote the lawyer and researcher Alexandra Brodksy of Yale University, which was one of the first to delve into the legal repercussions on this crime.

on his research on the subject, Brodsky found that there are online forums where men boast of having taken off their condoms without their partner’s consent.

“All survivors experienced condom extraction as a degrading and discouraging violation of a sexual agreement,” Brodsky wrote in his report.

📄 We recommend: This is the dangerous sexist practice of removing the condom without consent

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The new California legislation, which has already been passed by the State Assembly and is awaiting the signature of Governor Gavin Newsom, would add the stealth to the civil definition of sexual assault that governs the state. This will allow victims to sue the perpetrators for damages. However, the law will not make this practice a crime that could result in a prison sentence.

Democratic Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, who introduced the bill, had already tried to take action before the stealth in the past. In 2017, Garcia filed a bill to criminalize the practice, which allowed prosecutors to prosecute the perpetrators of “stealth,” but this initiative was not approved because some analysts in the state legislature considered at the time that this was a “minor crime.” The definitive argument for overturning the project was that it would be difficult to prove that a condom was removed on purpose and not accidentally.

For this reason, Garcia changed the focus of the project and this year and sought to turn “stealth” into a violation of the state’s civil statutes. This is a breakthrough for the victims.

“This really helps victims and gives them a tool to hold those who have been raped accountable. Many times prison is not necessarily the answer, and it’s not something that someone who has been raped wants to see as a result,” he said. dir Chloe Neely, victims’ rights lawyer at the Fierberg National Law Group, a The Washington Post.

When is the best time to remove the condom?

The condom is used from erection to after ejaculation. The condom should be removed after ejaculation, not before.

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