The unofficial fighter of Us turns everyone into impostors

I’ve often said that anything with a cast of unique characters can become a fighting game. Case study: Among Us Arena, which takes the multicolored crewmates from the popular Mafia-like and places them in a surprisingly fun individual combat system.

Among Us Arena it is wonderfully basic. There is a light attack, a strong attack, a knife attack and a pistol attack, which can be performed standing, crouching or in the air. And getting great combinations basically comes down to learning to juggle your opponent. There are even some rudimentary online features so you can hit your friends.

That said, all the characters on the 15-fighters list play exactly the same, so you almost only choose your favorite color on the select screen instead of a single kit. Still, it’s one Between us fighting game! Check out some of these combos.

This is all the work of a developer known as Starcutter, which released a playable version of Among Us Arena last week and since then has released numerous updates to tweak the game and fix bugs. They combined this project while working on a larger and more mysterious fighting game project that has yet to see the light of day.

Fortunately, it doesn’t seem to be the Between us The developers of Inner Sloth will take Nintendo’s approach in this derivation. The official Twitter account of the game he seemed excited about the project i he even indicated that they would check it out for themselves, which is just the kind of inter-studio support we like to see.

Among Us Arena is currently available at for free, though I’m sure Starcutter would love to receive a donation or two for his hard work. In any case, be sure to grab the download from your favorite region before jumping online. You will want the optimal environment to defeat your fellow impostors.
