Toni Kukoc talked about your opinion of Michael Jordan at the Chicago Bulls


The Croatian, who will be exalted this Saturday in the American Basketball Hall of Fame, spoke about his relationship with His Majesty.


Toni Kukoc was part of that legendary Bulls team in the 1990s (Getty Images)

Although not in stellar plane, Toni Kukoc was of great importance in the success of the Chicago Bulls of the 90s in which they shone Michael jordan i Scottie Pippen. For the Croatian, there is no doubt when it comes to choosing which of the two stars of the team that marked an era of the NBA he was the best companion.

For many it is no surprise that the choice of the European player is not that of His Majesty. In fact, for Kukoc, the legendary ’23’ was the complete opposite of a good teammate but does not think the same of Pippen. However, the Croatian finds a more than logical reason for his reasoning.

On the occasion of his exaltation in the Hall of Fame of the NBA This Saturday, Toni Kukoc he took the opportunity to recall what that time was like with the Bulls in which he helped win the titles won by the Chicago quintet in the 1996, 1997 and 1998 seasons.

“Jordan wasn’t the best teammate”

although Toni Kukoc he assured without hesitation that Michael jordan change the way you play “Anyway”, The Croatian also spoke about the opinion he had about the top star of the Chicago Bulls, Who throughout his brilliant career gained some detractors for his particular way of being.

“He wasn’t the best of his teammates, but in a way he was pushing us all to play well.”, The player commented in an interview with NBC Chicago. The European eaves add: “I always say Jordan was probably the best player, but for me Scottie was as important as Michael.”.

For Kukoc the presence of Scottie Pippen it was critical to Chicago’s success. “Scottie took care of the whole team and protected his teammates. He would lift the ball and find the right players and then for Michael it was ‘Okay, take us home.'”, So summed up from his perspective the roles of the main figures of the Bulls.

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