Trump blows up Bush for the Capitol riot statement on Sept. 11

Former President Donald Trump on Monday attacked George W. Bush’s speech on his 20th anniversary of 9/11 in which he appeared to compare January 6 riot police with foreign terrorists, saying the 43rd president, who held office on 9 / There were 11 attacks, “I shouldn’t be lecturing anyone!”

It’s so interesting to see former President Bush, who is responsible for getting us into the living sands of the Middle East (and then not winning!), As he tells us that right-wing terrorists are a bigger problem than those from foreign countries who hate America and are pouring into our country right now, ”Trump said in an emailed statement.

“If so, why was he willing to spend billions of dollars and be responsible for the deaths of perhaps millions of people? He shouldn’t give us lectures on anything. The World Trade Center went down during his surveillance. Bush led a failed and uninspired presidency. I shouldn’t be lecturing anyone! “, He said.

Former President George W. Bush.
Former President George W. Bush said the Capitol insurgents “in their contempt for pluralism, in their contempt for human life, in their determination to contaminate national symbols, are children of the same evil spirit.”
Jeff Swensen / Getty Images
Former President George W. Bush.
Former President George W. Bush compared Trump supporters who led the Jan. 6 riot to foreign terrorists during his speech at the National Flight 93 Memorial.Gene J. Puskar / AP

Bush, speaking at Saturday’s commemoration in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where Flight 93 crashed, lamented the lack of unity in the United States and made the comparison between Trump supporters who stormed the Capitol on January 6. and terrorists abroad. seeking to attack America.

“We have seen growing evidence that the dangers to our country may come not only from the borders, but also from the violence that occurs,” Bush said.

“There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home. But in their contempt for pluralism, in their contempt for human life, in their determination to contaminate national symbols: they are children of the same evil spirit, and it is our duty to continue to confront them ”.

Former President Donald Trump.
Former President Donald Trump responded to former President George W. Bush, calling him “responsible for taking us to the shifting sands of the Middle East (and then not winning!).”
Jeenah Moon / REUTERS
Former President Donald Trump.
“Bush led a failed and uninspired presidency,” criticized former President Donald Trump.
Brandon Bell / Getty Images

Flight 93 was hijacked by al-Qaeda terrorists and was headed to Washington to crash into the Capitol or the White House when passengers tried to regain control of the plane.

Thirty-three passengers and seven crew members died in the crash about 65 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.
