Trump’s call for $ 2,000 checks pushes Georgia Republican Party senators

All eyes are on Georgia GOP Sens. David PerdueDavid PerdueTrump leaves Washington in limbo with threat of relief Georgia governor rejects Trump’s calls for Georgia Senate Senate primary candidate Ossoff Warnock responds to Trump’s call for K controls MORE i Kelly LoefflerKelly LoefflerTrump leaves Washington in limbo with a threat of relief. Loeffler said he would consider backing up, 000 controls by Georgia governor overturning Trump calls for his primaries MORE after President TrumpDonald Trump McCarthy will offer UC’s request to review foreign spending on GOP bus senator on Trump pardons: “This is rotten to the bottom” Trump pardons Manafort, Stone and Charles Kushner in the last round MORE criticized Congress for the latest coronavirus relief bill, a startling move that comes two weeks before the State Senate runoff.

Trump on Tuesday night released a video about the House and Senate-approved COVID-19 relief package, urging lawmakers to increase the number of stimulus checks sent to Americans from $ 600 to $ 2,000. While Trump did not directly threaten to veto the package on Tuesday, if he does not sign it before Monday at midnight, the government will close and expire several key unemployment benefits.

Now, pressure is being exerted by Loeffler and Perdue to support Trump after the two candidates demanded their support for aid assistance and accused Democrats of obstructing a deal.

His Democratic opponents were quick to approve Trump’s call for more help. Perdue’s rival Jon Ossoff said Tuesday night that the $ 600 stimulus checks were a “joke.”

“I urged the U.S. Congress to pass additional $ 2,000 direct stimulus payments to all Americans right now,” Ossoff said.

Meanwhile, Loeffler’s opponent, the Rev. Raphael Warnock, seized the opportunity to sign the Republican candidate.

“Billionaire @KLoeffler believes $ 600 will cover your rent, groceries and hospital bills,” he tweeted Tuesday night.

The next day, Warnock went even further.

“Donald Trump is right, Congress should quickly increase direct payments to $ 2,000,” he said in a statement. “Once and for all, Senator Loeffler should do her best for Georgia instead of focusing on what she can do for herself.”

Loeffler said Wednesday he would consider supporting Trump’s move to increase stimulus controls.

“I certainly support the redirection of any unnecessary spending so that it is highly targeted at families and businesses affected by this virus without any guilt,” Loeffler told reporters.

“I will definitely try to support you if you reuse useless expenses for that, yes,” he added, when asked if he would support direct payments of $ 2,000.

Perdue has yet to publicly respond to Trump’s calls for more stimulus aid. His office did not respond to a request for comment from The Hill.

The latest news came shortly after Republican senators postponed their campaign events with the president’s daughter on Monday. Ivanka TrumpIvanka Trump: Trump pardons individuals accused of examining Russia, former GOP delegates Deutsche Bank said Trump’s private bankers have resigned Ivanka Trump postpones campaign events in Georgia MORE hurry back to Washington to vote in favor of the $ 2.3 trillion package, which includes $ 900 billion in coronavirus relief and $ 1.4 trillion to fund the government through October.

Ossoff and Warnock had already beaten their Republican Party rivals over the issue of direct payments during stimulus negotiations. CNN reported last week that a source listened to the Senate majority leader Mitch McConnellAddison (Mitch), Mitchell McConnell, Trump vetoes the defense bill and establishes a possible overturn that CNN’s Smerconish praises Trump for 000 relief checks: “The most effective thing he’s done” after the Republican election that expect to see what Trump does about the MORE relief package (R-Ky.) Taking note of the attacks on Loeffler and Perdue.

“Kelly and David are being hammered,” McConnell said in a call with GOP senators.

Polls show a narrow career unfolding in Peach state, which leaves no room for error for candidates. The average of RealClearPolitics polls shows that Perdue leads Ossoff by 1 point, while Loeffler leads 0.2 by one percentage point.

President Trump’s move puts Loeffler and Perdue in a difficult spot. Senators have maintained close ties with Trump, suggesting it would be in his best political interest to side with him. But larger direct payment requests have in the past been opposed by members of his own party.

Republican strategists say the president’s influence within the Republican Party will make it difficult for anyone in the party to go against him.

“They can’t cross the president for that,” Republican strategist Doug Heye said, referring to Loeffler and Perdue. “That’s where they’ll fall, where Republicans always fall because they’re afraid they won’t.”

“If agreeing with Donald Trump means different things at noon and 6 p.m., well that’s just reality,” he added.

Chuck Clay, a former state government president and current Hall Booth Smith attorney, said Trump’s decision gives Loeffler and Perdue room to support a reworked relief bill and greater stimulus controls.

“As a political movement, it’s a great time,” said Chuck Clay, a former state government president and current Hall Booth Smith attorney. “Trump has hit everyone.”

“It would be a very popular move for working families,” he continued. “It simply came to our notice then. This is the kind of influx into the economy if they were able to do it, that would really be seen. “


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