Unproductive and unobtrusive: the low performance of the four deputies linked to narco and laundering

The four deputies mentioned with alleged links in illicit activities such as drug trafficking or money laundering have maintained during their first year of management an almost zero legislative performance, a discreet profile and almost perfect attendance.

Legislators Héctor Darío Féliz (Pirrín), of the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD) and Nelsón Marmolejos, Rosa Amalia Pilarte and Miguel Gutiérrez of the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM), agree precisely on the three factors mentioned above.

Except for Pirrin, who served as his party’s spokesman last legislature, so he had more public appearances, and Miguel Gutierrez, who maintained a positive record of attendance until he was arrested in the United States, all three rules are met. after a collection of data carried out by this means through the Legislative Information System of the Chamber of Deputies.

Few legislative initiatives

If we add all the projects to which it is linked to the referred legislators they arrive at the figure of 81 legislative pieces, something erroneous since after an individual verification between all they are only proposers of 13 projects, and in the rest they are considered “signatories “.

Specifically, Pirrín has only tabled three of its own resolutions, the last being in 2019 and has not presented any bill.

Nelsón Marmolejos to date has only tabled a draft resolution and has no bill under his name.

Rosa Amalia Pilarte is the one who has proposed the most initiatives of the four deputies identified in drug trafficking, with five resolutions and a bill.

While Miguel Gutierrez, arrested and imprisoned in the United States in May, filed three resolutions prior to his arrest and has no bills.

A no small detail is that none of the deputies has been approved any of the projects of his authorship.

Almost perfect assists

The four deputies maintain a positive record of attendance, both in plenary sessions, which has convened 100 meetings, and working committees, where the number varies by legislator.

In the case of Pirrín, it only lacked to 5 sessions of plenary session, attending 95. At the level of commissions, it was summoned to 380 meetings, being present in 210 and absent to 170.

Marmolejos rubs perfection in the chamber, missing only once. While in commissions he was summoned to 208 meetings, attending 174 and missing 34.

Pilarte also maintains a positive record, with only four absences in the chamber. On the other hand, at committee level, of the 141 meetings convened, 107 attended and 34 were absent.

In the case of Miguel Gutierrez, he kept a similar record, until he was arrested in the United States. Given his absences, he was present at 61 meetings of the chamber and missed 39, apologizing to the last 32.

In commissions, he was summoned to 99, missed 59 and was present at 40.

Discreet profile

With the exception of Pirrín, the three deputies who maintain an apparent link with drug trafficking, have decided to maintain a discreet profile, with few participations in the chamber, both in terms of debate and public support for other initiatives.

A count made by this means of the participations of the deputies, only shows an active participation, and in punctual subjects, Pirrín, by its role of spokesman of PRD, when it had to fix position.

On the other hand, Marmolejos, Pilarte and Gutiérrez, tend to go unnoticed in the working meetings of the Chamber of Deputies, so their presence or not in the legislative body, plus their low production, would not affect the tasks of the Legislature would not even mean “weight loss.”
